
Front-end Developer · Gamedev Enthusiast

Hi, my name is Hugo and I'm a web developer based in São Paulo, Brazil. I thrive on challenges and seek for knowledge everyday to sharp my skills.

About programming, I'm working with different frameworks and languages, focusing on clean code, design patterns and rapid development.

To know more about me, you can see my blog here or follow me at:


Here some projects I'm working on:

Image Gallery

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This is a react app where anyone can upload and view shared images. It was made using react and firebase for store images.

Top Burguers

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This is a vue landing page using tailwindCSS about a fiction hamburguer restaurant. In portuguese only.

Mock blog

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This is a mockup blog using react and redux. CSS made with Materialize.

Simple lyrics search

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A simple page using fetch API to get a music lyrics.


I'm developing he a game called project possession. It's a visual novel / sidescroller where the player is a ghost and have the power to possess their friends to help them. It's in early stage, but soon I shall provide some more images and informtion about.